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link post  Posted: 01.11.07 14:43. Post subject: Основной инстинкт

Шэрон Стоун. Ледяная королева

Награды и примечания:Касс. сборы : $ 117.7 млн.
Наиболее точной оценкой картины представляется выражение одного из западных критиков - 'макулатура категории 'А'. Однако фильм даже на 'Оскара' претендовал - сразу по двум категориям: 'лучший монтаж' (Фрэнк Дж.Уриосте) и 'лучшая музыка' (Джерри Голдсмит).
Явившись причиной большого скандала и возмущения общественного мнения, фильм был выпущен в американский кинопрокат в сокращенном виде. Лишь за пределами США появилась полная, так называемая 'европейская' версия - на 42 секунды дольше штатовской. Слухи о 'самой полной', двух-с-половиной-часовой версии, не более чем слухи: они происходят от того, что на фирменной кассете длительностью 150 минут записан не только фильм Пауля Верхувена, но и рекламно-документальный фильм 'ВНУТРИ 'ОСНОВНОГО ИНСТИНКТА' (интервью с авторами, актерами, членами съемочной группы, эпизоды, снятые на площадке, и т.д.).

Основной инстинкт-1:Бисексуальную красотку (Стоун) подозревают в убийстве, совершенном шилом для колки льда. Полицейский (Дуглас), ведущий расследование, не может преодолеть в себе инстинкт, который режиссер Пол Верховен и сценарист Джо Эстерхаз вполне справедливо считают основным. Апофеоз утонченного секса и эстетизированного насилия.

Основной инстинкт-2:Снова у обольстительной интеллектуалки, известной писательницы Кэтрин Треймлл проблемы с законом.
Зашедшая в тупик полиция Скотланд Ярда вызывает судебного психиатра доктора Эндрю Гласа, чтобы помочь им в расследовании одного загадочного дела и понаблюдать за подозреваемой Треймлл. Как некогда неуравновешенный детектив Ник Керран, Глас просто очарован Треймлл. Он попадает в ловушку, расставленную страстью, а красотка вовлекает его в соблазнительную и опасную игру.

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link post  Posted: 14.03.08 22:19. Post subject: Сегодня по РБК показ..

Сегодня по РБК показали фрагмент о Шэрон и опять сказали про третью часть Инстинкта сославшись на нее. Еще была реклама фильма "Стертая реальнось". Показали несколько фрагментов с Шэрон.

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link post  Posted: 19.09.08 08:55. Post subject: Смотреть онлайн htt..

Смотреть онлайн


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link post  Posted: 04.12.08 08:50. Post subject: http://i047.radikal...

“Вы должны стараться дисциплинировать себя потому, что после определенного возраста
никто не будет делать это за Вас“.
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link post  Posted: 04.01.09 12:36. Post subject: http://www.sonypictu..

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link post  Posted: 04.01.09 12:49. Post subject: Sharon Stone : They ..

Sharon Stone :
They adore me, But with concern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I weakened so that when getting, to look like an animal a ready c war - torn, the ace admits

For 14 years after"Basik instinct" Katherine Tramel returned. Still more fair, still more risky. Dazzling and sexy. The second movie is charged With still anymore the temptation, burning hot with the sex sensuality and the ambiguity . On some critics he is breakdown though, the director has not succeeded before his intentions. On The london premiere in Basic instinkt-2 french magazine-"Studio" confessed 48 year SHARON STONE for the photographs with their director-Michael C.Jones for the courage as well with the experience replay the success from 1992 year.

- Colossal return of Katherine lasted up to Mel in first stage of the movie!!
- Yes, Very mind - blowing with fanatic speed as well. Behind the wheel in a car, speeding around London,, Katherine enjoys blatant orgasm that finishes shoot - down. Adeptness, sex, a perches, The cool weaponry audience falls at the moment in the center of mysterious psyhotryler

-Did it like new meeting with Catherine?
- Highly, now she must be more well - adjusted, still more confident in its road sense to obey and reign over the others, More clever and alluring, crafty and crafty. A rose must be fair by as blooming

- They had not sowed You afraid, when they offering you the part again?
- It understand. It was very difficult to confront again that character that for he is a mirror that reflects gloomy side of the soul, empty from whatever commiseration for its victims. Katherine is black personality, with deep deeps, she catches, challenges, excites.Numerous It is exciting for you to act that depiction, to submit How did it manipulated the others, How does it rapes them Open, How does it traverses all borders. The entire team both actors and technical group prolapsed interestingly as well how under her attack,, and you to chase their reactions. I saw how the extra-photographs started to shun me even, to afraid, to be defended. I liked you, for they reacted Primary and young, I wanted to please As if being Catherine truly as well they doted on me with fear. As noting the human's mind was that for me really curiously,, and Catherine is quite such agitative, searching only actually the souls to a end, experimenting with the others.

- How did you prepared, For Become again Mel lasted with Catherine?
- I weakened really previously the pictures. I desired vertebras to be read, when me to get to look like an animal, prepared to divide you up. I succeeded, for it was happened that of the lane somebody yea proclaims:" That is as an animal!" Next added another weapons on to the alluring behavior To Katherine: the voice and its teasing shades, the glimpse, the walk, she plumes, the evasions on her style to a talking. She is caustic, sharp, furtive- real cool weaponry. But you do not forget that she is a sociopath, one patient and a risky personality. I do not think that he is wholly as well only evils, her problem is in the colossal authority over the humans in her passionate wish as well to get into them. For any price. I think that in the final stage at the bedlam Jack Nicholson would have done well beautifully with my part

- Do you think, That Michael was accurate A director for this movie?
- Oh, yes. He is with clear vision, accurate,, astute, imported european delicacy. It wanted to leave artistic mark on the scenario. He is incredibly as well long. It for months okay searched a worker and yet fell on extreme Diula PADOSH. Michael conducted everything and revolutionized everybody. The suits, the sets, the light, directing the actor's game, the angle to the camera- In him more be complicated and thought.

- But How did you received her new partner-David Morris, the psychiatrist that do you tore to parts?
-He was as well signed after long search. Michael C.-Jones assayed incredibly really charming actors, real stars. But when David appeared, it became clear that the search is over. His presence British manner, manners, a man, pregnant of energy,, frenchified Another smell of the movie. Morris as well will come off, that is certain. They ideally pieced Michael and David Tyuliss that acts his Policeman on. They were as confederates and laughed endlessly.

- They banned the movie of a child-sub-18 without a companion in America.
- That is stupid. The forced primness to the americans saddens me. They even emasculated the more heated stages. The european version is longer. It had honestly said is not a man and a woman in the bed or two women with a man in a bed scandalously. The speculations that I have had дубльорка.no in the erotic stages amuse me.No- i am that. I filmed so that the called heated stages, for they were fine written and pat directed. Doing them needed high concentration, discipline, they are real actor's game, at that the non-remedy.

-Is there"Basic instinct 3" continuance?
- For the moment no. Let us hold on first How the new movie take the public!!!!!!

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link post  Posted: 04.01.09 15:20. Post subject: http://www.hotflick...

The movie is opulent production with super performance. Stylish PSIHOTRILER. The authoress Katherine has not never had need from a psychiatrist. Her high degree of a headstall, matched, doesn't permit the police not to get into the themes with a women ' s beauty, that is special to temptation, to operation as well. This maddens them. They are forced to engage a psychiatrist, But Why they do not know. A psychologist or a psychiatrist? The difference is huge and is a sign on the big police mistake..?!?!!!!.................
Doctor Michael Glass sees that client doesn't have need to it from a psychiatrist and falls in love, becomes weak before her. Catherine, sees the mistake of the police and the helplessness of the psychiatrist, communicative,, but it subconsciously analyzes the relations at the psychiatrist with the police.......Tsheslav???.
This analysis had given the results Will They had to be located Echo in accusative act against the psychiatrist If he had not entered in the chaos ?..... possibly no.... sure For Psychiatrist Without yes the claim gave an opportunity to the authoress to get into his motives of operation. She You infiltrated in a all point in his life. He did not manage to see a thing about her,, but it helped her What....?
It does analysis on his attitudes with the police /the case Tsheslav.../, writes book or takes it out from the time.......????? Not only This... in result of his hand Katherine succeeded to present his solutions on this analysis- but no as accusative act at this no in court In the chaos as well !!!!!!!!!! A lock of the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
. For the implementation of the roles... as well.? I would have been named the classic.


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link post  Posted: 14.01.09 09:11. Post subject: http://s53.radikal.r..

“Вы должны стараться дисциплинировать себя потому, что после определенного возраста
никто не будет делать это за Вас“.
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link post  Posted: 27.01.09 14:14. Post subject: ОИ-2 http://rapidsh..

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link post  Posted: 27.01.09 18:16. Post subject: SS-ко мне явяется пр..

SS-ко мне явяется проблем скачивания-мне дало что этот фаиль удален-почему-не знаю?
Другой вариант есть?

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link post  Posted: 27.01.09 19:08. Post subject: Liubo Попробуй еще р..

Liubo Попробуй еще раз. Теперь части меньше. У меня качает Еще в этом разделе есть ссылка на on-line (см. выше).

тут музыка из первого фильма. Пароль на архив: OST
К архиву добавлено 3% для востановления.

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