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link post  Posted: 14.05.13 11:28. Post subject: Vision Films Takes t..

Vision Films Takes the Sharon Stone-Produced Documentary Femme

Vision Films has announced today that it has picked up worldwide rights to the inspirational documentary Femme, which is directed by Emmanuel Itier (The Invocation, The Midnight Hour), and is executive produced and narrated by Sharon Stone (Casino, Basic Instinct).

Femme features interviews with many internationally-recognized speakers including Sharon Stone, Marianne Williamson, Gloria Steinem, Nobel Peace laureates Shirin Ebadi and Maired Maguire, Maria Bello, Angela Davis, Maria Conchita Alonso, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Mary Buffett, Rickie Lee Jones, Jean Houston and Dr. Sue Morter. The soundtrack of the film includes music and songs from well-known artists such as Annie Lennox, Yoko Ono and Rickie Lee Jones. Femme, which has played at numerous international film festivals, is currently available for worldwide release. Vision Films will be introducing the documentary for the first time at the upcoming Marchй du Film in Cannes.

Femme is a Celebration of Women around the World transforming and healing our society. As executive-producer Sharon Stone explains: “'Femme' is an innovative effort to illuminate the thoughts, voices and insights of women the world over. It is an opportunity for women to be heard and to hear one another in an unfiltered regard on issues that touch the core of the human condition both elegantly and eloquently. We have much to learn about each other and from each other.”

“I have been a fan of Emmanuel’s work since I screened 'The Invocation,' said Lise Romanoff, Managing Director and CEO of Worldwide Distribution. “'Femme' is truly a thought-provoking film and I hope our buyers enjoy it.”

Femme aims to be a movie that will empower women and inspire them to keep leading in all areas of society: in religion as well as in economics and politics as well as an education for men to better understand their female partners and to be more in touch with their feminine side in order to become more compassionate and attentive. For Mother Miriam Benedict from Italy to conclude: “It is obvious at this time in History that 'Femme' is immediately needed. For those who have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts which are concerned with the continuation of Life on this planet, the bringing of the women of the world in 'Femme' is a powerful tool. I hope and pray that the men who see 'Femme' will begin to see women as collaborators and not as threats to be violently subjugated”.


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link post  Posted: 16.07.13 13:06. Post subject: Sul set con Scamarci..

Sul set con Scamarcio, l'estate romana di Sharon Stone

UNA settimana con Sharon Stone. L'attrice di Hollywood arriva nella Capitale domani per girare il film di Pupi Avati "Un ragazzo d'oro", con Riccardo Scamarcio e nel cast anche Cristiana Capotondi. La bella Sharon Stone, 55 anni ma sempre splendida, dalla vita sentimentale piuttosto complicata, ha concluso da qualche mese la storia d'amore con il modello argentino Martin Mica (27 anni) e si frequenta da aprile con il miliardario degli Hampton Michael Wudyka, 46 anni, proprietario dell'albergo stellato Enclave Inn a Bridgehampoton. Sul set vivrà una liason con Scamarcio. SHARON Stone arriverà domani mattina dalla Toscana, dove ha partecipato il 13 sera al galà per l'iniziativa del cantante Andrea Bocelli al Teatro del Silenzio di Lajatico, dove c'erano anche Sarah Ferguson, Pino Daniele, Peter Cincotti e Riccardo Cocciante. Come al recente Festival di Cannes, l'attrice non ha un accompagnatore, ma non si esclude un arrivo a sorpresa del miliardario americano Michael Wudyka, sua attuale "fiamma". La Stone alloggerà in una suite all'Hassler a Trinità dei Monti, ed ha già richiesto in camera cibi naturali e biologici insieme al tè verde.

Il film, con la regia di Pupi Avati e prodotto da Combo Produzione di Flavia Parnasi, Rai Cinema e dalla DueA del fratello del regista Antonio Avati, si comincia a girare giovedì mattina a Piazza del Popolo in una delle due chiese gemelle, dove si svolgerà il funerale del padre di Riccardo Scamarcio, un pubblicitario milanese che, nella storia, è il figlio di uno scrittore che si è suicidato, mente la Stone interpreta un'agguerrita editrice, Ludovica Stern, dalla quale Scamarcio vuole far pubblicare il libro del padre. Fra i due nascerà una forte passione ed è previsto un bacio travolgente nel traffico di Roma. E sembra che Valeria Golino, da anni compagna del giovane attore, sarà sempre presente sul set.

Altre scene saranno girate in un set al chiuso all'interno di una villa sul Lungotevere. Per tutta la settimana la diva sarà nella Capitale e sono stati allertati già diversi ristoranti per una cena esclusiva in onore dell'attrice (si parla dell'Antica Pesa a Trastevere, ma anche del Bolognese che proprio perché in piazza del Popolo sembra in pole position).

Riccardo Scamarcio, nel film, vuole concludere il libro scritto dal padre, che racconta del mondo cinematografico romano, e per quello da Milano si trasferisce a Roma in cerca di un editore, incontrando così Sharon Stone. Cristiana Capotondi interpreta il ruolo della fidanzata di Scamarcio, che sarà lasciata per Sharon Stone. Le ultime due giornate di lavoro in Italia si gireranno invece a Milano.


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link post  Posted: 16.07.13 13:09. Post subject: BOLOGNA, 14 luglio 2..

BOLOGNA, 14 luglio 2013 - Pupi Avati e Sharon Stone sullo stesso set. Lei, Avati, ha sempre voglia di spiazzare e voltare pagina...
«Chi mi conosce sa che non ho mai corteggiato star o icone».

E quindi?
«Quindi quando ho scritto questa storia, Il ragazzo d’oro, nel momento in cui evocavo il personaggio di Ludovica Stern, qualcosa di misterioso mi ha evocato proprio lei».

Dall’immaginazione ai fatti il passo è lungo.
«Però questo ha prodotto in me la necessità folle di provarci, ovviamente dissuaso dai più. Tutti a dire: è una perdita di tempo».

E invece...
«Invece la determinazione, la competenza, la caparbietà di mio fratello Antonio ha fatto sì che è molto probabile che giovedì prossimo Sharon Stone arrivi sul set...».

«Le do la conferma giovedì — ride —. Se questo accadrà, ripeto, lo devo veramente alla capacità di Antonio che ha mosso alcune sue amicizie a Los Angeles nuotando in quel clima di totale diffidenza che Hollywood nutre oggi verso il nostro cinema»

E come dargli torto. La storia?
«In realtà è una ‘‘serata di gala’’ apparecchiata per Riccardo Scamarcio, nei panni di un figlio che vuole scrivere quel romanzo incompiuto del padre, morto suicida. Ancora una volta, come vede, la storia di un rapporto padre-figlio».

È un momento drammatico per il nostro cinema. Ma lei sta per girare questo film e parallelamente il tv movie ‘’Il bambino cattivo’’ con Luigi Lo Cascio e Donatella Finocchiaro. Ma come fa?
«In 74 anni non sono mai stato baciato dal dono dell’ubiquità. Avevamo un accordo per girare con Sharon Stone dal 18 luglio, ma nel frattempo è entrato anche il tv movie: da giovedì allora girerò tutte le scene con l’attrice, poi sarò sul set del film Rai quindi tra settembre-ottobre finirò il film per le sale».

E ’’Il bambino cattivo’’ di cosa parla?
«Sarà trasmesso in una sola serata il 24 novembre dopo la messa in onda della fiction Un matrimonio, ed è promosso dall’Authority per l’infanzia. È la storia della disgregazione di un rapporto familiare vista attraverso gli occhi di un bambino di 11 anni. Quando si diventa anziani si torna ad essere vulnerabili, come i bambini. Io voglio raccontare le trepidazioni, le paure di un ragazzino che vede i genitori separarsi... forse raccontandolo attraverso i suoi occhi potremmo riuscire a responsabilizzare qualcuno...».

Insisto, i set italiani sono paralizzati ma lei...
«Dipende dal fatto che, al contrario di tanti altri, noi finanziariamente rischiamo in proprio. Con rischi altissimi, investendo risorse e anche mettendo sul piatto quelle piccole proprietà che possediamo. Certo, chi si aspetta aiuti totali dallo Stato dovrà aspettare che torni il bel tempo. A proposito posso lanciare un suggerimento al presidente del Consiglio Letta che peraltro stimo moltissimo?».

«Sarebbe bello e auspicabile che almeno le imprese come la nostra, piccole ma tenaci, venissero premiate».

Economicamente? Difficile.
«No, almeno moralmente».

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link post  Posted: 29.07.13 17:42. Post subject: Sharon Stone cede pe..

Sharon Stone cede peça para leilão brasileiro. Saiba mais!
A atriz cedeu um item do seu guarda-roupa para o Leilão Beneficente do Hospital São José

Sharon Stone doou uma peça do seu guarda-roupa por uma boa causa. Segundo comunicado liberado à imprensa, a atriz disponibilizou um look para o Leilão Beneficente do Hospital São José, de Joiville.

A peça será entregue nesta segunda-feira, dia 29, e fará parte de um leilão que contará com mais itens cedidos por atletas e artistas e que acontece no dia 15 de agosto deste ano.

O objetivo é arrecadar fundos que serão revertidos em equipamentos para o hospital.


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link post  Posted: 02.08.13 17:01. Post subject: LIVE with Kelly and ..

LIVE with Kelly and Michael
August 2, 2013

Live! with Kelly & Michael: Sharon Stone Doesn’t Age

Sharon Stone was looking young and fresh, and Michael Strahan wasn’t afraid to let her know. She asked him to just keep saying it. Stone said she is comfortable with aging and that more people should appreciate the elders. She doesn’t think that the goal of society should be youth obsessed, like much of America.

Sharon Stone Turns Down Facelift & Women's Rights in Lovelace Biopic

Sharon Stone said she turns down plastic surgery offers. Her new film Lovelace, out August 5 2013, is more than just a biopic of an adult film star. s_bukley / Shutterstock.com

When she recently went to her dermatologist, she put a down payment on a facelift. The doctor was able to show her in the moment what she would look like, but once she got home she realized that it was a silly idea. Sharon Stone really doesn’t need anything done, because she looks fantastic. She said she was having trouble keeping herself focused with Michael Strahan there. She was paralyzed by his looks and charm.
Sharon Stone’s First Role in Woody Allen Film

Sharon Stone’s first role was in Stardust Memories, a Woody Allen film. She was so young that she didn’t even look like herself. She said she roller skated to the audition to be an extra. She got the extra part, but was shocked that they sat her next to Woody Allen. They didn’t talk for half an hour and she ended up just skating away, after a starstruck attack. The day of filming, a woman with a bigger role didn’t show up. Stone took her place.
Linda Lovelace: From Abuse & Adult Films to Women’s Right’s Activist

In Lovelace, Sharon Stone plays the mother of Linda Lovelace, famous adult film star from Deep Throat. Lovelace’s mother was harsh and domineering. Stone said that the film follows Lovelace from teen to adult. She took the role because of the relationship between mother and daughter in the film. She believes that she did the best job she could as a mother, even though her daughter ended up doing adult films. Linda Lovelace got into a very horrible situation with men, but ended up becoming a powerful voice in women’s rights.

Stone did a lot of research online about Lovelace’s mother and the Academy Award winning directors really had done their research. She said she loves to immerse herself in her roles. In a clip from the film, Stone meets with her daughter, played by Amanda Seyfried. It was a chilling scene where Linda Lovelace asks her mother if she can move home after being abused by her husband. I smell Oscar buzz already.

Lovelace hits theaters and iTunes on Augsut 5 2013.

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Мэрлин Монро
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link post  Posted: 29.08.13 14:30. Post subject: Catalina Film Festiv..

Catalina Film Festival 2013 18-22 september
Oscar-nominated actress SHARON STONE will be receiving this year's STANLEY KRAMER "SOCIAL ARTIST" AWARD. This event is included for pass-holders who have purchased one of our 5-Day Festival Passes. On this Centennial celebration of his birthday, this Red Carpet event will honor the legacy of one of Hollywood's most respected and socially conscious filmmakers, Stanley Kramer. Not only will we be highlighting his resume of work, with such films as Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World, and Ship of Fools, but we will also be honoring and presenting a contemporary "social artist" for all of her socially conscious contributions to the cinematic community on and off the screen. We are proud that this year's honoree will be SHARON STONE, accepting the 2013 Catalina Film Festival STANLEY KRAMER "SOCIAL ARTIST" AWARD©. After the honor and presentation, all guests will celebrate the evening at the CATALINA SOIREE reception party and/or can go to our Movie On The Beach near by.

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Мэрлин Монро
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link post  Posted: 29.08.13 17:47. Post subject: Queen Latifah Show l..

Queen Latifah Show launches September 16

'The Queen Latifah Show' Lines Up All-Star Guest List (Exclusive)

John Travolta, Jamie Foxx, Sharon Stone, Jake Gyllenhaal and Will Smith, who is an executive producer on the show, will appear during the first week.

Queen Latifah has lined up an impressive list of guests for the first week of her new daytime talker, which bows Sept. 16 on CBS stations, including John Travolta, Sharon Stone, Jake Gyllenhaal and pal Jamie Foxx. Will Smith, who is an executive producer on the Sony Pictures Television-produced talker along with his wife Jada Pinkett Smith, will also make an appearance.
our editor recommends
Queen Latifah to A-Listers: You'd Better Come on My Show (Video)
Queen Latifah on Her New CBS Daytime Talk Show

“I cannot think of a more talented and fun group of people to share the stage with in celebration of the launch of my new show,” Latifah said. "I am honored to have the support of so many long-time friends and colleagues as I begin this journey, and I look forward to sharing this experience with all of them and with the many new friends I will make along the way.”

In addition to the A-list lineup, Latifah will also feature chart-topping musical guests, surprise performances, comedy and everyday heroes who are changing lives in their local communities.

The lineup reflects Latifah's Hollywood connections. She also has reached out to Jay Z. "He's going to come on," she told The Hollywood Reporter during an interview last July. "I’ve known Jay Z 20 years. I’ve watched his evolution and he’s watched mine. We’re all proud of each other."

And President Obama and Michelle Obama have an open invitation. The show will also feature celebrities in field segments; the show plans to follow Pitbull as he spearheads the opening of a charter school in his hometown of Miami.

The Queen Latifah Show enters a daytime talk show field that includes new entries from former Real Housewife Bethenny Frankel, whose eponymous show bows on Sept. 9 on Fox stations, and a rebooted The View with Jenny McCarthy joining the long-running ABC program.


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Мэрлин Монро
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link post  Posted: 02.09.13 12:47. Post subject: Sharon Stone Celebra..

То единственное, что хочется больше всего в жизни, как правило, нельзя купить за деньги.

Мэрлин Монро
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link post  Posted: 06.09.13 13:36. Post subject: September 05, 2013 1..

September 05, 2013 12:00 ET
Sharon Stone to Be Honored With Inaugural Stanley Kramer "Social Artist" Award at 2013 Catalina Film Festival Sept. 18, Opening Night

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwired - Sep 5, 2013) - Catalina Film Festival (CFF) today announced that famed actress Sharon Stone will be honored at this year's festival with the Inaugural Stanley Kramer "Social Artist" award. The award honors a film professional whose work embodies Stanley Kramer's qualities of social consciousness within their artistry while taking risks to create and influence a social transformation. The Festival, spanning five days of films, parties and celebrity attendees will be held Sept. 18-22, 2013 on the famed Catalina Island. Stone will received the award during a ceremony on the Island, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013.

Stone's outstanding career has spanned 30 years, while she has selflessly used her celebrity, influence and resources to lead fundraising efforts for American Foundation for Aids Research (AMFAR), for which she has been a spokesperson since 1995, and other causes including Habitat for Humanity, Global Fund to Fight Aids Tuberculosis and Malaria, Lupus LA and more.

"I am deeply honored to receive the Stanley Kramer Award," said Stone. "Mr. Kramer spent his life as a filmmaker creating films that would demonstrate a greater humanity; one where race, religion, higher thinking and spiritual elegance would be at the forefront of his purpose. He bore the responsibility of his positive actions with the grace and endurance of a goodly warrior. Time and truth reveals the impact of his thoughtful and meaningful choices."

The honor coincides with Stanley Kramer's Centennial Birthday Celebration (www.stanleykramer100.com). Kramer was no stranger to Catalina, having shot the film "Bless the Beasts and the Children" on the island in 1970.

"Activism is more than necessary today with regard to social issues. It is our responsibility as artists ourselves to become involved and to payback for the good that has been bestowed upon us by bestowing good upon others," said the late Stanley Kramer's wife and daughter, respectively. "We are honored to recognize Sharon Stone as the first recipient of the Stanley Kramer Social Artist Award. Sharon is a true artist who exemplifies standing up for the issues she believes in, and using her renowned status to improve the world around her."

Other guests confirmed to attend CFF include Jon Favreau, Patricia Arquette, Michael Rapaport, Jaime Pressly, Ian Ziering, Lisa Bonet, Nikki Reed, Billy Zane and more.

CFF is a competitive festival and film market. Festivalgoers can experience the West Coast's only resort island while taking in 75 films, nightly parties and networking. Sponsors include Horseshoe Bend Vineyards, E com Merchant Solutions and The Cafaro Group. For more information, visit www.CatalinaFilm.org.

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Мэрлин Монро
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link post  Posted: 20.09.13 13:54. Post subject: Sharon Stone to host..

Sharon Stone to host Distinguished Women in Arts luncheon

Artists Lita Albuquerque, Nancy Rubins, Helen Pashgian and Betye Saar will be honoured at the November 6 event
The Museum of Contemporary Art, it appears, has really good basic instincts. The museum announced on Thursday that it has chosen actress Sharon Stone to host its eighth Award to Distinguished Women in the Arts luncheon.

The November 6 event, which generally draws more than 600 people from the fields of art, fashion, philanthropy, film and other areas of entertainment, will honour artists Lita Albuquerque, Nancy Rubins, Helen Pashgian and Betye Saar. All were represented in the Getty’s Pacific Standard Time: Art in L.A. 1945-1980.

The award recognises women providing leadership and innovation in visual arts, dance, music and literature.

“Sharon Stone has established herself prominently in the world of film and humanitarian activism,” event chairman Ricki Ring said in a statement. “We are proud to include her in this diverse group of outstanding individuals who have set a standard for contemporary visual arts, culture and entertainment in Los Angeles.”

Most recently, Stone played Linda Lovelace’s mother, Dorothy Boreman, in the 2013 film Lovelace.

Albuquerque, born in Santa Monica, is a founding artist for MOCA; she’s gained international acclaim as a painter and sculptor, especially for what MOCA calls “her ephemeral pigment installations”.

Rubins, a sculptor and installation artist who taught for years at UCLA, is known for what could be called “object flowers” and other large-scale sculptural works.

MOCA calls Pashgian “one of the pioneers of the California Light and Space movement of the 1960s”. The Pasadena native participated in MOCA’s 2010’s The Artist’s Museum and is known for her translucent, often brightly coloured cast resin pieces.

Los Angeles-born Saar, says MOCA, is “one of the great assemblagists of our time”. She’s been part of solo and group exhibitions at MOCA including WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, 1965-1980 (2007) and Sanctified Visions (1990).

The Women in the Arts event, presented by the MOCA fundraising arm the MOCA Projects Council, is a benefit for MOCA’s educational programmes, such as its Contemporary Art Start, which aims to develop creative thinking and discussion skills among third — through 12th-graders in LA County.

MOCA’s 2012 awards luncheon, also held at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, honoured photographer Annie Leibovitz; the award was presented by Maria Shriver. Though Leibovitz has photographed practically every Hollywood heavyweight, rock star and politician of note over the last 40 years, it was a photograph of Niagara Falls, from her recently released book Pilgrimage, that she chose to show at the event.

Last year’s event also showcased the 2012 Fall collection by Akris, a German-based, luxe fashion house. This year’s luncheon will include a fashion show by Just One Eye, an L.A.-based luxe design boutique/gallery.


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